Thursday, August 25, 2005

Anti-Terror Anti- Narcomafia Federal Security Service (FSB) Regional Special Operations Department (ROSN) in Novosibirsk celebrates 10 year Anniversary.

The goal of FSB ROSN regional detachments was to combat terror and the attempts of the international narcomafia to establish bases for moving goods from Central Asia to Europe. This unit's area of responsibility includes Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, and Kemerovsk oblasts and the Altai region and republic. ROSN also has missions of to support counterintelligence, anti-crime, and security for members and their families.

The article goes on to describe some of the unit's successes, and a very detailed acount of the bravery of one of the members in urban combat in Ingushetia against terrorists led by Basaev and Umarov. Of note, the ROSN operator was completely integrated with a military unit.
Региональному отделу специального назначения (РОСН) управления ФСБ России по Новосибирской области исполнилось 10 лет. В зону ответственности подразделения, помимо Новосибирской, входят также Омская, Томская и Кемеровская области, Алтайский край и Республика Алтай.


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