Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Redstar Reports Large Scale Offensive Underway in Chechnya

In response to a noted increase in activity by illegal armed groups, in the last few day federal forces and security organs have undertaken measures to eliminate and interdict the extremist elements in all regions of the republic.

Some results - two militants TU in the Vedenskij region, rest of the elements of a band, under field commander Izumraev, dispersed, smalls arms captured. One of the dead may have been an Arab. The fighters in that region are showing determined resistance and have good communications and intelligence.

"Several" fighters were killed in the Suzhenski region near Sernovodsk, including the chief of the group - Emir Batalov. According to prisoners, the 80-strong group included Arabs.

В ответ на заметную активизацию в Чечне незаконных вооруженных формирований федеральные войска и правоохранительные органы предприняли в последние дни довольно жесткие меры по ликвидации их участников, пресечению действий экстремистских элементов во всех районах республики. На бандитов начато настоящее широкомасштабное наступление. Правда, уступает этот противник не очень охотно – огрызается, отвечает огнем и терактами, подлыми вылазками…

Comment: Is this something noteworthy or is it business as usual? I really haven't been following the war in Chechnya. Are there really Arabs there or is it a propaganda ploy to discredit the fighters - guilt by association? No opinion here yet.


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