Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Iraqi Sunnis Borrow Strategy from US Democratic Party

Compare these two headlines

Sunnis Reject Early Iraq Election Results, Calling for Inquiry
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Dec. 20 (2005) - Sunni Arab leaders angrily rejected early election results on Tuesday, saying the vote had been fixed in favor of Iranian-backed religious Shiites and calling for an investigation into possible fraud. Secular politicians also denounced the results and demanded an inquiry.



Historic Congressional Challenge to Ohio Election Results Spotlights Voting Irregularities
by Between the Lines' Scott Harris Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005 at 8:42 PM BETWEEN THE LINES c/o WPKN Radio 89.5 FM Bridgeport, Connecticut
For only the second time in 128 years, members of the U.S. Congress formally lodged a challenge to the certification of a presidential election. On January 6th Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a Democrat from Ohio was joined by Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat in objecting to the certification of Ohio's 20 electoral votes on the basis of documented voting irregularities. ...
... Rep. John Conyers Jr. a Democrat from Michigan who had convened hearings to investigate the many irregularities, expressed his deep mistrust of the way the election in Ohio had been conducted.


Are they quick learners or what?

Actually the thing that gets me is that some folks here will point to stories like the first one and use it to make the argument that our efforts to promote democracy are failing. (I would like to say that those same people wouldn't accept that the American experience is a failure, but unfortately many of those on the Left truly believe we are living in some kind of Bushilter fascist theocracy. I don't. Maybe they're just projecting... since they think that government should control all, they assume that the current US administration is doing what they would do.... It's sad that history, reason and truth aren't being taught anymore.) I disagree. Apparently it's become part of the way the game it played. It seems that the discourse has become so strident that the idea that "reasonable people can disagree" is no longer current. Crying foul at election time, seeing your opponents as devious at best, crooks and liers at worst is the state of the practice. If the Iraqis adopt this form of democracy... that's fine with me. Democracy works as long as the opposition doesn't blow up children, people out for a stroll, men standing in line for a job, and old men sipping tea.

Trackback to mudville open post

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Holiday and Any Day travel tips

I've traveled around the world a few times on both military and commercial planes. I just got back from a trip this evening and thought I'd share some travel tips:

My number one rule applies to business or military travel
#1. Wear the clothes that you could wear to your first meeting. You may have to. This mainly applies if you're checking a bag, but could still apply if your carry on is stolen, misplaced or you forget to grab it after they stow it in the hold. If you're wearing clothes that are inappropriate for your first meeting and your bag is not with you, you either will have to go the meeting dressed wrong or spend the time and money buying new clothes for the meeting. The former can be a deal breaker or leave a lasting bad first impression. The latter assumes stores exist and are open (not always the case), but in any case you've added to the stress of losing the stuff in the first place. Avoid the possible hassle and wear the clothes you could wear to your first meeting.

Cover that skin. This is similar to number one, but the reasoning is more sanitary than business. Airports may look clean but millions and millions of people move through them each day. I'm amazed at seeing people travelling in shorts, short skirts or with bare midriffs. I have nothing against this stylewise or morally, but I consider bare skin on an airline seat to be like sleeping in unchanged sheets at a motel on the interstate. If that doesn't bother you, go ahead. But it really is just nasty.

Thinking of nasty. Put your shoes on when you go to the lavatory. Really. Socks are no match for what's on the floor in there... With all the stuff you're picking up, you're definitely helping the cleaning staff.

In seat selection, remember that the following seats don't recline: the row just forward of the exit row, some exit row and rear bulkhead seats. Avoid them.

Be polite and courteous...especially to people who are working to get you and hundreds of other people from point a to point b, as well as you're fellow travellers - they may have had a worse day than you. Be nice to the gate agents and flight attendents. Don't load your stuff on top of someone else's in the overhead bin.

Wear a jacket or a sweater. It can be cold on the plane.

Security - never leave your bags unattended, they'll get stolen or blown up. Don't hang around the unsecured areas longer than necessary. Most airport attacks occur at the ticket counters (Rembember Rome and LA).

That's all that comes to mind right now. Travel light, Stay safe, God bless.
Check the weather where you're going

Friday, December 02, 2005

Most Democrats believe we are losing. So why do they want to quit?

According to a poll over at

"Just 28% of Democrats believe the U.S. is winning while 45% of Nancy Pelosi's party believe the terrorists are winning. Even that is a more optimistic assessment than last month when just 19% of Democrats said the U.S. was winning...."

In light of this, what really amazes me are the calls from Democrats to quit. I believe this war to be a mortal struggle between the enlightened west and a theology-based fascism. Mortal struggle means life and death, we lose, we die. If I thought the enemy was winning, my reaction would be "fight harder." If that is not the Democrats reaction, I can only come to the conclusion that they either do not recognize this as a mortal struggle...or worse yet, they are on the side of the enemy. Here are some questions to try to sort this out.

1. Who was responsible for the attacks that killed 3000 Americans on 9/11/2001?
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

2. Who was responsible for the school takeover and deaths of over 300 in Beslan Russia?
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

3. Who was responsible for the attacks on Spanish commuters, killing 191 and wounding 1000?
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

4. Who was responsible for the attacks on British commuters, killing over 50 and wounding 100's?
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

5. Who kipnapped and cut the heads off three Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia?
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

6. Who kidnapped and killed 12 Nepalese workers in Iraq, calling them "idol-worshippers?"
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

7. Who blew-up American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 100's of Africans?
a. Israel
b. Bush
c. Islamo-fascists
d. I don't know

Give yourself 0 points for every "a" answer,
Give yourself 0 points for every "b" answer,
Give yourself 3 points for every "c" answer,
Give yourself 1 points for every "d" answer.

18 or higher - you know who the enemy is
10 to 17 - you need to get up to speed before you find yourself in a cattle car on the way to the showers
0-9 - you are either woefully ignorant of this generation's threat to civilization, or you are a part of that threat.

I'd hate to see where Rasmussen's Democrat respondents would fall out. Too scary.
If you think that these fascists will stop the killing if we "pull out of Iraq," then you are wrong. They attacked us before we went into Iraq, they will continue until they are defeated or until they defeat us, in which case the jihad against dar al harb will continue under sharia. Are you willing to accept defeat and enslavement? I am not. No End But Victory